Recruitment | Executive Search

The importance of Foreign Language speakers in South Africa

A critical skills survey recently conducted highlights the most in-demand ‘scarce’ skills in South Africa, in which foreign languages comes in third place. There are 11 foreign languages outlined on the critical skills list – the intention is to have foreign language speakers in sales and technical support within the BPO sector.

The foreign languages include:

  • German
  • Swiss German
  • Flemish
  • Greek
  • Swedish
  • Danish
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • French

If a critical skills applicant can demonstrate five years’ experience in their field, permanent residency can be applied for immediately. Some more good news – permanent residency under the critical skills category is being expedited! So, instead of two years processing time, it has been shortened to less than a year. If you’re looking to live and work in South Africa, we can help! Most of or clients offer amazing benefits including visa and full relocation assistance. If you speak any of the languages listed above, make sure you get in touch with us today!